Sunday, December 25, 2011

Photography:where is the gateway to the market?

The other day a student asked about how to get in the market, how to find clients. It's a question I've heard many times, students, friends, acquaintances and strangers. I decided to write this article and share with you my thoughts on the subject.

It's really hard for anyone to say what steps it should or should give the experience of an individual usually serves only to him. What can I do to try to win a client may be functional for me, to my way of being, the characteristics of my portfolio and customers who seek, but the same ways of acting can be a complete disaster for another commercial photographer.

And I had my way in photography, but it began nearly two decades, so there were other market conditions that do not resemble at all what we have today, the internet even existed, digital cameras and also not all that comes along with these two inventions such as the popularization of photography, the use of social networks and many other things that have revolutionized and completely changed the market image.

But some things do not change and these usually present in my lectures on sales and marketing, and usually use as a response to those who ask me about entering the market. Are generally the most annoying and discouraging words to say to someone, but I think if no one speaks, many will continue knocking on doors with their faces out there.

Some things can not be helped, perhaps the worst is the fact that one does not enter the market in a hurry, from one day to another, nor from one year to another, the curve of rising market is a great photographer and slow, it always has been and still is. From the day a photographer starts, for example forming a basic course in photography, it takes less than 2 or 3 years to get customers to have a stable and thus have a steady income. This somewhat relates to talent or technical ability, but with issues of market confidence, with the fact that consumers begin to realize who you are and you finally have the confidence to hire.

Another day in a lecture in John Person for the project Social Portrait I said to the audience:

"How many people do you know who have married, had children, who opened a trade, produce something is handmade or a company and never contacted one of you to prepare pictures of all these events?"

When someone responds positively to that realizes that the people closest to her not to look for when they need pictures. Thus, there is something very wrong with the way this photographer lets the world know what he does.

Dissemination of work, and consequently have customers, begins, their closest circles and then the farthest. Make an exercise and review your list of contacts, family, friends and distant relatives and to disclose them. Ask these people to disclose their website and portfolio, after all, if our friends and relatives do not, nobody will.

I have friends all over the world spreading my work through social networks like Twitter, Facebook and Google +, at first I asked them to do so, each time producing something new and interesting to point out to them and asked if they could pass as a Please, now they do it I ask why I perceive as an artist and like what I do, I had to cultivate this crop and this takes time.

Now, make sure that everything I wrote above only works if the base there is a really good portfolio, with technical and artistic quality, with photos that people like to see and do want to show your contacts, because there are good photographers the mountains, probably in the millions, then to have prominence in the market have to be better than average, and that requires constant study and dedication.

Having an excellent portfolio and showing off your images to the world through his contacts in social networks, selling their work will result, not an outcome to be pursued.

To give you idea of ​​the power of social networks, I became a columnist and contributor to the DG-Photo thanks to content that I post on Twitter, and thanks to the texts we publish here, I was invited to give a lecture on photography market, sales and marketing the city of João Pessoa, Paraíba State, northeastern Brazil. Illustrate this text with images that did exactly the city of João Pessoa. These photos, which I presented a lecture there, and many friends I made were only possible thanks to the use of social networks. Think about it.

by Armando Jr Vernaglia
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