Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Photos with depth

In this photo tutorial I will describe how one can use a very special design tool of photography: the depth of the room.
The representation of depth in landscape photos mainly plays a major role, since it is precisely here, the depth effect is very intentional. The selective use of depth effects can make a photo more interesting and who knows how to use this design tool is right to realize the ability to capture wonderful images. Images appear with comparatively very little depth effect rather graphically.

There are in the world - how we perceive it - different depths effects, we can make ourselves even when taking advantage. I have summarized the effects in this photo-tutorial into three main groups, each of which will be described briefly.

Beipsiel for a vanishing point perspective
Perspective effects
If you want to understand the precise principle of perspective effects, it is best if you draw with this topic in the field apart and painting sets. Here's a link to an appropriate instructions on the web: Drawing Perspective.

In short, the law is the perspective that objects to our eyes are smaller, the further they are removed. To represent the perspective of one makes when drawing and painting in the so-called vanishing points. But for that you can (if you want to) read more at the link below.

For this photo course two main effects of perspective are interesting. Once a linear perspective, the easiest one principle is clear if one imagines a road that runs straight to the horizon. The road seems to be getting narrower, the closer it comes to the horizon for us. These effects is in itself very well to a photo to add depth and also comes with diagonal lines very nicely.

Option # 2 is more or less a variation of option # 1. To reflect the depth of the space in the photograph, we play a little trick our brain. For this we need a scene that occurs repeatedly in the same or similar objects at different distances.
We have already learned that objects that are farther away appear smaller. Now, if objects in an image are the same or very similar, our brain makes the logical conclusion that the objects have the same size in reality. Since the objects are at different distances in different sizes shown in the picture, our brain can make an estimate of how far the individual objects from each other. And already we have simulated the feeling of depth to our brain.
A typical example would be people who are spread over a square.

Atmospheric Effects

To determine the distance of objects by means of atmospheric effects, is based on the experience of our perception. The atmospheric effects caused by the air which lies between the viewer and the viewed object. If an object is farther away from us, is consequently more pleasure between us and the object.

The air acts like a filter and results in contrasts are attenuated, the background is blurred and colors are attenuated. Fog increase these effects, for example.

So you can use the atmospheric effects in order to get more depth in a photo:


    Placing bright objects in the foreground and darker in the background
    Warm colors in the foreground, while cool colors recede into the background. The natural example of this effect is also the Verblauungseffekt. This means that objects are blue (verblauen), the more they are farther away (think of landscape images of mountains).
    Due to the air far away objects are perceived blur. In the blur effect I go to point 3, a more in detail.


The selective use of field depth is another way to get in photos. The depth effect is achieved due to our perception of different phenomena:
Once distant objects are blurred due to the atmospheric effects described above. Second, we take our eye by objects that we do not focus, as was blurred.

The thing with the focusing of the eye creates us some leeway to get in depth to photos. For this to work not only with objects that are very far away, but also for objects that are very close.
If, for example, objects that were photographed out of focus, sharp objects overlap in the photo, we automatically assume that the objects are blurred in the foreground. This method can be photographed many interesting scenes. Just try it.


Most photos are so designed that the objects in the foreground are sharp while the background is photographed out of focus. So also in the photo comparison below. It always the left image is completely sharp, while the right is sharp only the foreground. I think you can see the difference in the depth of the photos quite well.

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