Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Photography Tips

Are you going to celebrate this year Christmas with memorable photos? Do you still not sure about your photographs preparation for your Christmas photography? Maybe you can consider some of these tips.

Shoot the Christmas Preparations and All Activities During the celebration
Christmas preparations sometimes could be a separate moments that you can capture. You can photograph something associated with Christmas dishes such as meal preparation, wrapping gifts, being put decorations, the kids are behaving and other. While the show has been running try to always take pictures at every moment of it like opening a gift, fun, food parties etc.

White Balance Settings
Different rooms in the location of the celebration of Christmas such as outdoors and indoors requires us to always take white balance setting according to the type of light. One tip for you if you are using a shot in RAW you can shoot away and then set your white balance later.

Get a Point of Interest of a Shot
Try to always take pictures in a single focal point of a subject. This needs to be done because in the celebration of Christmas will always be the subject of many crowded with people, bustling Christmas lights and colorful Christmas decorations. A focal point will allow viewers to holds attention to the subject of your picture you want to show.

Use a flash Diffuser or Reflector
This will serve to avoid the shots with the flash is so bright that produce harsh shadows. You can use an alternative which to set camera in "night mode" (slow sync mode) or use an external flash that will bounce off the wall or ceiling.

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